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Sympathy Stand 8..HK$919.00 HK$819.00Two Dozen, 24pcs Deep Red Color Roses Bouquet with filler, beautifully wrapped with brown and red papers...HK$1,849.00 HK$1,349.00Offer your condolences in a most memorable way and show that you will never forget with this peaceful arrangement. Sympathy Flowers arrangement with s..HK$1,049.00 HK$999.00Celebrate the arrival of a precious newborn with the "More Love Forever Friends Bear Baby Hamper." Thoughtfully curated, this hamper is the ..HK$979.00 HK$879.00A 4.5 inch I Love You Teddy Bear in Purple Color..HK$267.00 HK$227.00Send 10 Smile to her, I am sure that no one will angry anymore..HK$1,119.00 HK$1,019.00Ballerina..HK$749.00 HK$699.00Half Dozen Roses Bouquet, Simple but Elegant, Good for secret admirer on Valentines Day..HK$779.00 HK$378.00You may Interest
This menu displays all Best products for customers, everyone lives the products on this page, our flowers delivery services is from 9:00am to 8:00pm Monday to Sunday
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See all specialsSee all specials1 Long Stem Premium Rose Presentation Box..HK$497.00 HK$297.0010 Gerbera Bouquet..HK$649.00 HK$549.0010 Gerberas and Chrysanthemum Bouquet..HK$699.00 HK$599.0010 Mixed Tulips Bouquet..HK$849.00 HK$799.0010 Mixed Tulips Bouquet..HK$1,049.00 HK$849.0010 Perfect Match Red Roses in Round Bouquet Red roses show elegance, beauty and cuteness. Buy this fresh &a..HK$749.00 HK$679.0010 Roses and 7 Asiatic Lily Bouquet..HK$999.00 HK$849.00Brighten any occasion with our stunning 10-Piece Yellow Calla Lily Bouquet, a perfect blend of elegance and charm. Each flower in this bouquet is hand..HK$1,049.00 HK$999.00 -
Mixed Pinks..HK$899.00 HK$699.00Large Assorted Arrangement..HK$1,149.00 HK$999.0010pcs Holland Tulips Bouquet beautifully wrapped in a elegant natural color paper..HK$779.00 HK$719.00elebrate the elegance of nature with the Exquisite Charm Thailand Orchids Bouquet, a stunning arrangement perfect for any special occasion. Featuring ..HK$587.00 HK$487.00Make every occasion memorable with the Elegant Surprise 18pcs Champagne Roses Bouquet. This stunning arrangement of 18 premium champagne roses strikes..HK$698.00 HK$597.00The Elegant 10pcs Holland Tulips Bouquet is a masterpiece of floral artistry, perfect for adding a touch of elegance to any occasion. Featuring ten pr..HK$749.00 HK$699.00You may Interest
This menu displays all Best products for customers, everyone lives the products on this page, our flowers delivery services is from 9:00am to 8:00pm Monday to Sunday
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10 Perfect Match Red Roses in Round Bouquet Red roses show elegance, beauty and cuteness. Buy this fresh &a..HK$749.00 HK$679.0099 Rose Bouquet with Red and Champagne Color of Rose, two tone of roses in a bouuet, flowers can be last for one week, it should for wedding and anniv..HK$1,787.00 HK$1,787.0012 Mixed Short Stem Rose Bouquet This Vase arrangement with one doze of bloomed rose in a short vase with some seasonal greenery, you can choose diff..HK$729.00 HK$639.0012 Tulips Bouquet in Orange Color..HK$1,049.00 HK$879.0018 Long Stem Premium Rose Presentation Box..HK$979.00 HK$849.0018pcs Pink Roses Bouquet, more special than send a one dozen roses bouquet..HK$898.00 HK$787.0018pcs Pink Roses Bouquet, more special than send a one dozen roses bouquet..HK$887.00 HK$727.0018pcs Roses Bouquet with Purple Color Match Flowers and Fillers Beautifully wrapped with Light Brown Color Papers..HK$967.00 HK$728.002 Asiatic Lily Bouquet..HK$449.00 HK$349.00Want to make a unique statement? Send a bouquet of purple roses. This soft royal hue boasts a sweet elegance when made into one of our signature bou..HK$1,049.00 HK$979.0020 Stems Red Roses in a Round Gift Box The more the merrier! Having many fully-bloomed, mesmeric roses held together marvellously is a divine sight..HK$987.00 HK$887.0024 Long Stem Roses Bouquet..HK$1,089.00 HK$879.003 Rose Bouquet..HK$497.00 HK$397.0038 Rose Arrangement in Crystal Vase..HK$1,249.00 HK$999.004 Oriental Pink Lily Vase Bouquet..HK$579.00 HK$479.0048 Premium Rose..HK$1,749.00 HK$1,349.006 Rose Box..HK$799.00 HK$699.0099 Red Rose Style Bouquet (This product is a soap flowers) Rose bouquets come in a variety of colors and are used to convey many different meani..HK$1,798.00 HK$1,077.0010 Perfect Match Red Roses in Round Bouquet Red roses show elegance, beauty and cuteness. Buy this fresh &a..HK$749.00 HK$679.0099 Rose Bouquet with Red and Champagne Color of Rose, two tone of roses in a bouuet, flowers can be last for one week, it should for wedding and anniv..HK$1,787.00 HK$1,787.0012 Mixed Short Stem Rose Bouquet This Vase arrangement with one doze of bloomed rose in a short vase with some seasonal greenery, you can choose diff..HK$729.00 HK$639.0012 Tulips Bouquet in Orange Color..HK$1,049.00 HK$879.0018 Long Stem Premium Rose Presentation Box..HK$979.00 HK$849.0018pcs Pink Roses Bouquet, more special than send a one dozen roses bouquet..HK$898.00 HK$787.0018pcs Pink Roses Bouquet, more special than send a one dozen roses bouquet..HK$887.00 HK$727.0018pcs Roses Bouquet with Purple Color Match Flowers and Fillers Beautifully wrapped with Light Brown Color Papers..HK$967.00 HK$728.00
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The Christmas Hamper contains 8 items with Sparkling Cider, Lindt chocolate, salted pretzels, twist, cream truffles, crisps premium potato chips or ch..HK$1,049.00 HK$999.00Mixed Flower Grand Opening Stand..HK$1,049.00 HK$999.00Medium Mixed Bouquet..HK$799.00 HK$699.00Celebrate moments of love and admiration with the Timeless Affection Three Dozen Roses Bouquet. This luxurious arrangement features 36 vibrant pink ro..HK$1,249.00 HK$1,049.00Asiatic and Gerbera Bouquet..HK$579.00 HK$549.006 Roses and 4 Asiatic Lily Bouquet..HK$789.00 HK$679.00Choc Nut Basket..HK$979.00 HK$849.00Celebrate someone's life and remember the happy days together with this bright wreath of white flowers...HK$1,049.00 HK$799.00Most Popular Product of Flowers
A 4.5 inch I Love You Mum Teddy Bear in Red Color..HK$267.00 HK$227.00The Holland Pink Cymbidium Elegance Bouquet is a masterpiece of floral sophistication, blending the exotic beauty of pink cymbidium orchids with a tou..HK$899.00 HK$879.008 Stem Mixed Asiatic Bouquet..HK$734.00 HK$649.00100 white color roses with a Single Red Roses in the middle, very special for your wife or girl friend, she is not only score 100, she is 101..HK$1,899.00 HK$1,749.00Oriental Lily and Rose Bouquet..HK$779.00 HK$679.00A Bunch with Six Red Roses and Six White Roses with a Bird Paradise beautifully wrapped in a Green papers..HK$1,049.00 HK$879.00Mixed Bouquet ,2 Gerbera and 3 Rose..HK$559.00 HK$499.00Discover classic Scottish food and drinks as well as a few surprise. An ideal Christmas gift hamper for couples and small group. Salmon and Dill pate ..HK$1,549.00 HK$1,249.00Send some special cookies to him on his birthday or anniversary, so sweet..HK$227.00 HK$187.0012pcs Crystal Blue Roses Bouquet..HK$799.00 HK$749.0010 Stems Tulips in Bright Purple Color in Vase arrangement. An amazing and expressive gift for a lady on any occasion – a vase of brightly colored tu..HK$979.00No less than two dozen delectable chocolate, hazelnut and wafer Ferrero Rocher treats! For the person with the sweet tooth, this special gift of fine ..HK$267.00 HK$247.00